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Contact the following to answer your questions or help: 

Rabbi Elliot Schoenberg

Honors, D'var Torah, Religious Issues

732-548-2238 x 18

Hazzan Sheldon Levin

Lessons, Torah Parts, Hebrew School, Other Info

732-548-2238 x 14

Rita Devlin

Schedule date amd rooms, schedule meeting with Rabbi and lessons with Hazzan, Schedule clinics, photography and any other synagogue activities 

732-548-2238 x 12

Andrea Colby

Arrange Bar/t Mitzvah "Buddy", resolve synagogue issues and answer questions

Robbie Geller

Gift Shop hours, order kippot, tallit, etc.


Lawrence Dombrow
Lawrence Dombrow

Financial Secretary

Financial Secretary

Cory Schneider

Loom Room

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